This project...
For me was really about getting as much "accurate" Viking history so that I can re-create an "historical" Viking Environment. This is still the case for me and I want to get it right. My original idea was to create 3 separate sections. After looking at more information about the Viking History I've come across a slight problem.
This issue is that my 3 sections were a Beach Area, Forest Area and the Viking Village. My sketches had it all laid out and currently the construction for these are underway (as well as my objects etc…) Looking at more accurate references, I have discovered that Viking Homes seems to be situated on shore.
Since this seems to be more accurate, I have decided to be more accurate by combining the beach area with the Viking Village areas. So from this I will be modeling two sections and not 3 as intended. I will still have two separate sections within the Beach Area but it will be a bigger map within the Unreal 3 Editor. This isn’t much of a problem I hope, so hopefully it will look something like the picture above. The forest section should still be OK and will go ahead as planned.